How inflation impacts the supply chain

The end of the health emergency has been declared for...

June 27, 2023

Francisco Gutierrez

The end of the Covid-19 health emergency has been declared, which began in February 2020 and ended in May 2023, lasting 3 years and 2 months, and has undoubtedly transformed the way we now see the world, and how it has transformed logistics.

Although we are still feeling the post-pandemic effects, there are trends that have been accelerated by the pandemic that involve the new ways in which logistical customer pain is resolved.

We invite you to learn about some of these trends, where Francisco Gutiérrez, Sales Executive at Crossmotion, shares with us in this month's blog.

  1. Automation in Warehouses. Every time we see new automation tools within the warehouses, although they are still developing robot tools within warehouses, there are still few that are already operating in an automated way with robots in Mexico, what is already in its optimization phase in Mexico is the improvement of software to optimize the warehouses (WMS), not only for the issue of
    traceability and inventory management, but to generate models of how to optimize the warehouse, manage inputs and outputs automatically integrating systems between companies and above all generate projections for the coming months and know how the warehouse will behave, thus optimizing inventory costs, one of the most important costs of our logistics equation, warehouse automation is a trend that adapts quickly to the new era of data.
  2. Data Mining. Nowadays we live in the era of data and Data Driven companies are starting, which make their decisions based on the analysis of the data they store, each logistic movement generates data, which, if analyzed, generate value for the optimization of your logistic model, nowadays we already use a number of applications for traceability, and the next step is to make decisions based on the data we generate, for this it is important to have the infrastructure to store them, and the systems to shape the information and especially the interpretation of the data, from here it is considered that the greatest differential for the new era of logistics companies will come out.
  3. Last mile solutions. Today we see all the time vehicles of applications that is a last mile model, the trend is to optimize them, one of the solutions that some companies are beginning to use are electric vehicles, which generate fuel efficiency, the trend is to automate the last mile delivery, The trend is to automate the last mile delivery, either with an autonomous vehicle that has the AI to adapt to the needs of each of its users, and we will see them delivering via land or using drones, which have already begun testing in the USA, they are still resolving the air traffic rights for drones, this to make them in a safe and legal way, but this trend is already in motion.
  4. Artificial Intelligence. In the optimization race, a trend is the use of this new technology that, although it has been developing since 1997, now the technology of today makes it more achievable for everyone, in logistics we see that this trend can generate changes in the way we communicate with our customers, from communication applications of our customers, to AI applications that integrate with the systems of our customers, to anticipate needs that may arise. In the optimization of logistics can generate AI to anticipate to anticipate handbrakes that may be encountered with time in advance, since in logistics a lot of variables are generated and we find ourselves nowhere near everything, AI can help manage the
  5. Green logistics. Logistics has joined the care of the environment, now with the trend of electric vehicles and fuel, by saving fuel and reducing emissions, have a race to change their fuels and make more energy efficient aircraft, ships and trucks, there are also new taxes depending on each country, will be trending in a few years, this refers to the carbon footprint taxes, which will pay taxes depending on the emissions generated to the environment, this trend will certainly change and help make more efficient logistics.

There are more trends that are shaping logistics over time, we find that now the changes are made in shorter times, making it very important to generate logistics adaptable to new changes, so that the new tools are used and can help our company to be more competitive in our industry.


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